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How to Order a Feniex Fusion GPL Lightbar

You may be wondering how to order a Feniex Fusion 49” Light Bar, and this blog will help you figure it out! There are many options and features that these light bars have and Ultra Bright Lightz wants you to get the most out of them! Whether you need a firetruck light bar, police light bar, tow truck light bar, POV light bar, or any other type of LED light bar, these will have you clearing the way.

Order Form

The first thing you will need to do is download the order form. This will be found under the literature tab on the product page for the light bar. Once you have this downloaded, you will notice a birds eye view of the light bar with each module labeled.

  • “D” = Driver
  • “P” = Passenger
  • “A” = Alley
  • “F” = Front
  • “R” = Rear

After you are done, you will need to save your order form and upload it. It is helpful to open the sheet in Adobe to ensure that it doesn't save blank.


Next, you will need to ask yourself: “What do I need my light bar to do?” There are tons of options and functions you will be able to choose from. White Flood is a popular option available for these LED light bars. This means that you will be able to have a white steady burn mode, which is commonly used for scene lighting. In order to get this function, you will need to purchase a dual color bar. Also, every module in the front, rear, or both will need to have white as one of the colors.

Another popular option is the Amber Arrow function. This is used commonly to direct traffic. If you need your light bar to have another color besides amber while still having the amber arrow function, you will need a dual color light bar. If you just need amber lighting, the single color will work for you as well.

Depending on what colors you run and what you need your light bar to accomplish, you may end up having colors that you need to coincide on the front and back. For example, you may need Red/White modules in the front and Red/Amber modules in the rear. To have the Reds in the front and rear flash simultaneously, the light bar will need to be ordered with the same color stated first.

  • Red/White Front + Red/Amber Rear = Reds flashing simultaneously
  • Red/White Front + Amber/Red Rear = Reds AND Ambers flashing simultaneously

You may notice that there is an option for “Takedown” modules. Whether this option is selected on a single color or dual color bar, the module would be White only and will not flash simultaneously with the rest of the bar. The takedown modules will either flash with each other, steady burn with each other, or both remain off (depending on how you program your light bar). “Alley” lights are similar, but are only selected on the side modules, DA2 & PA2. Please note that you are only able to order 4 modules as takedowns per light bar.

“Stop Turn Tail” modules are used to have them indicate whether your vehicle is braking, using a directional turn signal, or dimmed as a taillight. These are often used on on vehicles such as tow trucks.


All lights within the Feniex Fusion product line offer the choice between 180° and 40° optics. This does not effect the price of the product. 40° optics will have more distant visibility and are brightest at farther distances. 180° optics will have a more wide spread visibility and will be brightest up close and 180° around the light. A popular way to maximize the effect of your light bar is to use 180° optics on the sides and outer modules of the bar and 40° modules on the middle front and rear modules. You can read more about optics here.

Mounting Options

Next, you will notice there are a variety of mounting options available:

  • Permanent Mount
  • Gutter Mount
  • Headache Mount
  • Adjustable Foot

The permanent mount is mounted by drilling the light bar directly into the roof of your vehicle. This is frequently used for police vehicles and other vehicles that aren't planning on removing the led light bar. The gutter mounts are the most popular mounts. These are vehicle specific and allow you to mount your light bar without drilling excessive holes. The gutter mounts include a hook kit which will attach in your vehicles door jams. The headache mount is designed to attach your light bar to a headache rack if you have one. The adjustable foot mount allows your light bar to be mounted on different angles and at different heights. This is great for vehicles that have domed roofs (domed roofs are common on many sedans). The adjustable foot ensures that your light bar will be mounted evenly.